País Asociación Dirección web
Alemania BVI Bundesverband Deutscher Invest.Gesellschaften 
Austria  Austrian Association of Investment Funds Companies
Bélgica Belgian Asset Managers Association
Dinamarca The Federation of Danish Investment Associations
Eslovaquia Slovak Association of Asset Management Companies
Finlandia Federation of Finnish Financial Services
Francia Association Français de la Gestion Financiere
Grecia Hellenic Fund and Asset Management Association
Holanda Dutch Fund and Asset Management Association
Hungría Association of Hungarian Investment Fund and Asset Management Companies
Irlanda  Irish Funds Industry Association  http://www.irishfunds.ies
Italia Assogestioni
Liechtenstein Liechtenstein Investment Funds
Luxemburgo Association of the Luxembourg Fund Industry
Noruega Norwegian Fund and Asset Management Association (NFAMA)
Polonia Polonia Chamber of Fund and Asset Management
Portugal Associacão Portuguesa de Fundos de Investimento, Pensões e Patrimónios
Reino Unido Investment Management Association
República Checa Union of Investment Companies,Czech Republic
Rumania Fund Managers Association – A.A.F.
Suecia Swedish Investment Fund Association
Suiza Swiss Funds & Asset Management Association SFAMA
Turquía Turkish Institutional Investment Managers' Association